Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Dear Ladies:

Just because you have feelings for a man does not mean you need to try to make him your boyfriend. Some feelings should be ignored because they only cause heartache. If he is willing to be with you then he will show you, he will step up. Don't come a 100%, don't give your all for a man who is not worth it. Women are so worried about being left alone that they settle for a half ass man and then wonder why they are not happy. Don't catch feelings and expect love to grow from it, some relationships are not meant to happen, so don't force them. The idea of being single bothers women but wouldn't you want to be a happy single women instead of a miserable women in a relationship. Just because you have a sexual encounter with a man does not mean you are in love with him. Just think about what you are trying to build your relationship off of.

Listen to feelings allow the words to hit home
because love is something that is meant to be special
and feelings are something that can be ignored

Let love come to you don't try to find it in a man's pants...because you will end up with a broken heart. We as women need to start making smart choices.
Don't chase a man that does not want to be with you. If he tells you he does not want to be in a relationship believe him. Dont believe you can change him.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i feel u on dat one

Sadie said...

Soooooo true bestie!!! That's why I don't have a bf because I refuse to settle for someone just because he's there...I deserve the BEST man for me. Like you said sex is sex, and if that's what you build a relationship on, don't be surprised when it fails MISERABLY. I applaud this note because as women, many of us don't want to hear the truth because we're afraid it's going to show us how lonely we are but at the end of the day we must be happy with ourselves instead of being unhappy and miserable with a man that doesn't truly love you

Anonymous said...

You speak the truth :) This is something that we all needed to hear...Def. struck a nerve or two...

Anonymous said...

Too true, so true that it hit home!! :)

Anonymous said...

sooo sooo sooo right. Girls really have to start to value themselves, because then and only then do you become a WOMAN. Its sad to see pretty girls settle and degrade themselves for NO reason....tht needed to be said, but more importantly it needs to be heard.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that... I agree with you 100%. Also women fail to realize that if they continue to have sex with men to feel wanted and needed or to "change them"... it only makes them less of a woman -a hoe- (esp. when their doing it with more than 1 man)

Anonymous said...

DEEP... i read dis like 10 timeslol...its sooo true

Simone said...

couldn't have been said...such true words...loving yourself plays a part as well