Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Letter to the women

Me: I do not understand how a woman can open her body to so many men. 10 people at the age of 21 should ONLY amount of fingers on your hands. Call me old fashion but if a woman was made to consistently open her legs jeans would be made with a snap on compartment for easy access. I do not understand people who have sex because it is something to do. STD, STI, HIV, AIDS are not just something to do…

Others: But I wore a rubber

Me: What exactly is a rubber protecting you from? Do you know the person long enough to believe that the rubber is safe? These are not the questions we ask before someone climbs into our bed. Countless babies died from abortion each day because women are treating abortions like birth control. EVERY MAN CAN’T BE TRUSTED. AND EVERY MAN SHOULD NOT BE FUCKED. We as women need to protect our bodies from the alarming numbers. If women are using their toes to count the number of sexual partners then something needs to be evaluated. I understand shit happens but shit doesn’t just happen with ten guys. Have you no character, have you no pride. Ask yourself if you could tell your mom the number of man you been with? Some of these women beat their own mother’s numbers. I am not meaning this to be judgmental. But causal sex….sure, but if your having causal sex with multiple people when will it stop if your only 21.

Others: You don’t understand

Me: I do not mean to offend you but take better care of your body. Would you tell your husband that you have to count on your toes just to get your numbers straight? I am a bigger build in only having one life to live… but live it safely. Just because you meet a guy don’t mean you have to have sex with him. If he can’t wait then he aint interested in the real you.

We as women have to protect ourselves because no one else will.


Anonymous said...

thats true LADIES need to know what they r worth

Anonymous said...

Definitely agree with you 110 percent mamazzzz!!

Anonymous said...

I Love This Babes.... Very true indeed! People need to know that they are worthy. I am not the most religious person on Earth and I too am only human -and we all falter at times- BUT I do recognize and understand that OUR BODIES are GOD's TEMPLES! Let's try to understand that. We should NOT allow any and everybody into God's Temple (our bodies) unless they are truly worthy. The last line says it all "We as women have to protect ourselves because no one else will."

Anonymous said...

love it true!!! :)

Anonymous said...

This should be a wake up call to some ladies. Genius Note Fanny! & I agree Slim! We are the only people who are gonna protect ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmhhmmmmm... you said it! Some woman know the dangers but their self esteem is so low that the risk is worth it... we need more mentors for these young girls out here today... very well put! Love ya !

Anonymous said...

Yes, women have to take care of ourselves and of each other--Fantashia's note is one of those ways--and Gigi, I think you are right to about low self-esteem making girls really vulnerable. You women are strong role models already

Anonymous said...

some girls like guys doing that to them, they dont care how they get treated cause they feel it gets them attention. i know i do the same thing