Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A beautiful Figure of a man

A Beautiful Figure of a man
Fate brought us together
but girls tried to break us a part.
I am not talking about those random girls
That I have never come across a day in my life.
I am talking about my friends,
those smile in your face bitches
those chicks who try to get to know you with hopes of getting to know him better.
I remember a day
when I saw my friend try to push up on his
and my soul was crushed
but I quickly realized that I was in high school.
There are not fine guys
just roaming around this oswego parts.
I see why people liked him
why people admired him.
But it should have stopped there,
seems like horny, shameless girls
have no boundaries
as long as they get land.
But their poor attempts
inspired me to step my game up.

* Thank you to all the thristy girls who have ever tried to preserve him, and to my so-called-friends I am sad that you couldn't admire or friendship and respect me and his relationship.

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