In dedication to Ms. Tina Turner
I believe its hard to imagine someone beating me who is not a women. Someone forcing to stay in a role that does not fit me. Someone who is suppose to love me but instead blacks my eye. The whole idea is very unsettling, but yet many women face this problem everyday. How can a women stop herself from becoming effected by violence. How can a women stop a fist from reaching her face when love is her only shield? How can a women stand up to a guy who she thought would protect her? Love is blind but some shit you need to see coming.
damn...so true. I dont know how better to express the duality of fantasy and reality when the one who says they love you is the very person hurting you. the strength of a woman must outshine love...and it hurts to know love must be sacrificed sometimes. no one wants to lose love, but we must realize it is far worst to lose self.
what you avoid controls you. women, i for one was afraid to step outside the boundaries of what everyone planned my life to be.. with him. I was so stuck on seeng him as a victim, a nice, respectable , young man i turned into a raging lunatic... but to know that, that still wasn't him, inside he was still that sweet little boy i grew to love ... so the man that was hitting me had to be someone else. but the last attempt was a wake up call ... it was either still believe he was a sweet little boy being controlled by something far bigger than he was or die and never know ... i chose to live, and i confronted, i hit back, i called the police... i left. i'm one of few ... thereare too many mixed messages being sent to teens nowadays. their not blind, they see ,they see too much and aren't able to decide which image to follow ... so they experiment.
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