Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Savior

I am thrilled to be writing so many times, so many years I have kept all my emotions inside but for once, here I am letting my experiences move my fingers. Let the pains escape me, releasing the things I can not control and understand that certain things are not my fault. And somethings I need to change in order to be a better person. And so I write, but I write without names as a way to show my respect but the thoughts of you still live through my words. I write I write I express I live and I learn, I do not have time to regret the words that have touched this blog because then that would be me, pausing my thoughts and changing my mind. And in this blog I can not change my mind but rather speak my mind. Realizing that everypne is not going to like everything I say but I will say everything I need to say and understand that I have a write to LET SHIT GO. I have a right to be mad but once my words are posted on this blog I need to let it go, because pain like that does not need to live inside me. But rather help someone else to release what is inside them. I want people to help from my words as I do. I understand that I may mess up on words but once I start changing one word then my blog becomes a carefully put thought thought and not the true essence of what I was feeling. This blog has changed me. In the 4 weeks I had this blog I have opened up to so many things in my life. And I have not even begin to review my past, but I will write and blog and see to it that my thoughts leave my mind and enter this blog.

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