Monday, November 16, 2009

Seems Like part 1

These are for the people who are worried about me, the people who care about me, and the people who I have not had the chance to speak with as of yet:

I think I have lost myself
Have you found her
Seems like I have run away from situation
and it has landed me in a shell.
Seems like I have people worrying about me
when I don't even know who me is
Seems as if I have let my experiences define me
instead of being me
Seems like when people get to know me
I am a different image than what they thought they see
Seems like there are only a few people who truly knows me
Seems like I let haters control me
let haters block me in a corner
Seems like I put a limit on how many times people can fuck me over
and I set the limit at one
Seems like the true me is missing
and the bitch remain
the girl who refuses to let people get close because I know they will fuck up.
Seems like as people search to get to know me
I am still searching to find who is me
And who I want to become

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"soo true, you must be ur own best friend because at the end of the day the only person's actions you CAN control is your own...take time and find urself,,its worth it"