Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I statements

Not this again
Am I really that bad?


Well shit I guess I am not that good.

I need to be put in a group i can understand
when people try to spare your feelings
they want to use "I" statements
as if they are the ones that are getting down played
No I am the reason that this keeps happening
Don't tell me its you best your the one doing it.
Its like the great big bald eagle

came to shit on my parade.
Then you want to tell me that it wasn't my fault
If I was a student who got kicked out of school
who fault would it be


No matter how great you want to make me feel
after making me feel bad
the truth of the matter is
there is something wrong with me
for blaming myself
every time you can't make up your mind
Next time give me the full statement
Tell me I am the reason
that we are back in this dilemma again
and I need to change because it is clashing with you
and I will kindly thank you for your honesty and say
fuck you

The maze of life

Run run little girl
but she fines herself running into a trap
she feels like a mouse in a maze
everyone telling her to keep going
but none telling her which way to go
you have people in one corner places bets at how far she will get
the other corner is crying because she keeps making mistakes
but every time she asks for help outside the maze
everyone tells her that this is her life
and she must choose which path is best for her
who ever said a maze wasnt life is wrong
we choose to play with creatures
and consider it past time
but all we are doing is passing time on our life.
Her maze isnt complete but she has stop taking the long way around ever corner
isn't of stopping at a dead in
she breaks through it and makes her own path